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Posts Tagged nature

Posts Tagged ‘nature’

Timelapse: This is Finland

Posted on: 25.3.2015 by Henri | No Comments
Timelapse: This is Finland

Timelapse: This is Finland

It was a little over week ago, the night of  March 17-18 to be exact, that I will remember long. Earlier in the evening I was checking Aurora Borealis forecast and it showed that geomagnetic storm was on its way to earth and kp’s could rise as high as 9. Media was shouting everywhere that this could be the top aurora’s for a decade. And they weren’t wrong. I don’t think I’ve ever witnessed so strong northern lights in my life. (lisää…)

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Star trail

Posted on: 4.3.2014 by Henri | No Comments
Star trail

Star trail

Star trail kuva voidaan toteuttaa ottamalla valokuva taivaasta ja tähdistä pitkällä valotusajalla, yleensä tunteja, tai yhdistämällä useampi kuva yhdeksi kuvaksi. Itse tein jälkimmäisen.

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Henri Luoma | henri[at] | +358 40 5930 582